Logos website Cu Gandul la Ucraina (1)

Ciao.ro is the digital successor of one of the most popular magazines founded in 2004. Nowadays, it is the platform that gathers news and events from highlife, fashion and beauty tips to nearly half a million unique visitors a month.

Ciao was initially a tabloid magazine that made its debut in september 2004. It was one of the most read magazines in Romania and its information was covering the whole entertainment sector.

Since 2011 the content has been available only on ciao.ro and was soon set to become one of the most visited websites in Romania.

Website Performance and Demographics

One of the most visited websited in Romania, cancan.ro is the #1 tabloid online publication in Romania. These are some key points of our audience profile and our performances based on SATI. 

Unique monthly visitors


Monthly sessions


Monthly impressions


Age Distribution

Traffic by device


Just 18% of our visitors access our website through desktop.


Only 2% of our visitors use the tablet as a way to read news on ciao.ro


78% of ciap.ro visitors use mobile as a main source of information and this shows that they are constantly connected

Presence on multiple social channels

Grow your brand's presence through our social networks



